At Zansys, we offer a variety of engagement models to satisfy specific needs of our clients. We also work with you to customize these models and devise one which is specific just for your business needs.
The variety of Engagement Models offered by us includes:
Our fixed time, fixed price model offers you a low-risk option and can be applied when the scope and specifications of the project are reasonably clear at the onset of the project. This model guarantees on-time, on-budget delivery of projects.
Our Time and Material model gives you a flexible option wherein you can dynamically adapt the team to the evolving/changing requirements. Small jobs, task based requirements and projects with lack of clarity in requirements at the start are best suited candidates for Time and Material model. This model offers more control and flexibility to clients during the execution of such requirements.
An Dedicated Development Team (DDT) is a team formed as per our customers’ unique development and business requirements. It functions from our Offshore Development Center in India on the basis of a fixed monthly fee. It is a low cost alternative to rapidly scale up / down your teams based on varying business needs. For more details about this model please refer to Dedicated Development Team.
This is a mix of Onsite and Offshore models and hence it gives you collective advantages associated with both of these models.
There are scenarios where product is integrated with other components at the deployment site. This mostly involves development and testing of the complete integrated solution. We provide this service through our highly talented and well trained engineers with years of field experience.